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Roster - Detroit Pistons

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Date - Deal Comments
05/07/02 - The Chicago Bulls send Fred Hoiberg and Scot Pollard to the Detroit Pistons. The Detroit Pistons send Kelvin Cato to the Chicago Bulls.
The Chicago Bulls send a 1st-Rounder (Chi) to the Detroit Pistons.
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05/04/05 - Mamadou Ndiaye signs with the Detroit Pistons for 1 years and the minimum salary of $ 745,046. (0) more
05/04/05 - The Detroit Pistons release Donnell Harvey into free-agency. (0) more
05/03/06 - The Chicago Bulls send Donnell Harvey to the Detroit Pistons. The Detroit Pistons send Theron Smith to the Chicago Bulls.
The Chicago Bulls send a 2nd-Rounder (Chi) to the Detroit Pistons.
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05/01/25 - Linton Johnson signs with the Detroit Pistons for 1 years and the minimum salary of $ 620,046. (0) more
05/01/25 - The Detroit Pistons release Mamadou Ndiaye into free-agency. (0) more
05/01/25 - The Detroit Pistons release Tommy Smith into free-agency. (0) more
05/01/25 - Theron Smith signs with the Detroit Pistons for 1 years and the minimum salary of $ 620,046. (0) more
05/01/22 - Mamadou Ndiaye signs with the Detroit Pistons for 1 years and the minimum salary of $ 745,046. (0) more
05/01/22 - The Detroit Pistons release Michael Curry into free-agency. (0) more
05/01/21 - Jannero Pargo signs with the Detroit Pistons for 1 years and the minimum salary of $ 695,046. (0) more
05/01/21 - The Detroit Pistons release Brandin Knight into free-agency. (0) more
05/01/19 - Brandin Knight signs with the Detroit Pistons for 1 years and the minimum salary of $ 385,277. (0) more
05/01/19 - The Detroit Pistons release Mamadou Ndiaye into free-agency. (0) more
05/01/06 - Mamadou Ndiaye signs with the Detroit Pistons for 1 years and the minimum salary of $ 745,046. (0) more
05/01/06 - The Detroit Pistons release Lonny Baxter into free-agency. (0) more
04/12/16 - The Detroit Pistons release Mateen Cleaves into free-agency. (0) more
04/12/16 - Michael Curry signs with the Detroit Pistons for 1 years and the minimum salary of $ 1,100,000. (0) more
04/12/16 - The Detroit Pistons release Mateen Cleaves into free-agency. (0) more
04/12/14 - The Detroit Pistons release Linton Johnson into free-agency. (0) more
04/12/13 - Lonny Baxter signs with the Detroit Pistons for 1 years and the minimum salary of $ 695,046. (0) more
04/12/13 - The Detroit Pistons release Linton Johnson into free-agency. (0) more
04/12/06 - Linton Johnson signs with the Detroit Pistons for 1 years and the minimum salary of $ 620,046. (0) more
04/12/06 - The Detroit Pistons send Wesley Person, Mark Blount and Curtis Borchardt to the New Jersey Nets. The New Jersey Nets send Kelvin Cato and Tommy Smith to the Detroit Pistons.
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04/11/27 - The Detroit Pistons release Michael Bradley into free-agency. (0) more
04/11/27 - Mateen Cleaves signs with the Detroit Pistons for 1 years and the minimum salary of $ 745,046. (0) more
04/11/27 - The Detroit Pistons release Jahidi White into free-agency. (0) more
04/11/27 - The Detroit Pistons release Alvin Williams into free-agency. (0) more
04/11/24 - Rick Brunson signs with the Detroit Pistons for 1 years and the minimum salary of $ 932,546. (0) more
04/11/19 - Wesley Person signs with the Detroit Pistons under the MLE for 1 years and $ 1,900,000. (0) more
04/11/09 - Tamar Slay signs with the Orlando Magic for 1 years and the minimum salary of $ 695,046. (0) more
04/11/08 - George Lynch signs with the Detroit Pistons for 1 year and $ 3,000,000. (0) more
04/11/01 - The Detroit Pistons sign draft-pick Luke Jackson for $ 1,818,720 and 4 years. (0) more
04/11/01 - Mehmet Okur re-signs with the Detroit Pistons for $ 6666666 and 4 years. (0) more
04/11/01 - Richie Frahm decides to opt for free-agency. (0) more
04/11/01 - Ronald Dupree decides to opt for free-agency. (0) more
04/07/11 - Chi trades Curtis Borchardt to Det for Chris Duhon. (0) more
04/07/10 - Det trades Ha Seung-jin to Por for Chris Duhon. (0) more
04/07/10 - Pho trades Bo Outlaw to Det for a 2nd-Rounder (Chi). (0) more

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