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Roster - Boston Celtics

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Date - Deal Comments
07/07/06 - The Sacramento Kings send Randy Foye to the Boston Celtics.
The Boston Celtics send a 1st-Rounder (Bos) to the Sacramento Kings. The Sacramento Kings send a 1st-Rounder (Min) to the Boston Celtics.
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07/07/04 - Boston exercises it's team-option for Bruce Bowen. (0) more
07/04/10 - Kevin Pinkney signs with the Boston Celtics for 1 year and the minimum salary of $ 400,000. (0) more
07/04/10 - The Boston Celtics release James Lang into free-agency. (0) more
07/02/28 - The Boston Celtics send Aaron Williams and Darrell Armstrong to the Washington Wizards. The Washington Wizards send Primoz Brezec and James Lang to the Boston Celtics.
The Boston Celtics send a 2nd-Rounder (Bos) to the Washington Wizards. The Washington Wizards send a 2nd-Rounder (Was) to the Boston Celtics.
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07/01/30 - Boston exercises it's team-option for Steve Novak. (0) more
07/01/20 - The Boston Celtics send Jumaine Jones, Willie Green and Walter Herrmann to the San Antonio Spurs. The San Antonio Spurs send Aaron Williams, Bruce Bowen and Beno Udrih to the Boston Celtics.
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06/12/14 - The Boston Celtics send Devean George and CJ Miles to the Minnesota Timberwolves. The Minnesota Timberwolves send Anthony Johnson and Walter Herrmann to the Boston Celtics.
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06/11/28 - The Boston Celtics release Alan Anderson into free-agency. (0) more
06/11/21 - Jumaine Jones signs with the Boston Celtics for 1 years and $ 2,794,135. (0) more
06/11/19 - The Boston Celtics send Rafael Araujo, Sergei Karaulov and Erazem Lorbek to the Detroit Pistons. The Detroit Pistons send Darrell Armstrong, Willie Green and Alan Anderson to the Boston Celtics.
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06/11/17 - Raja Bell signs with the Boston Celtics for 4 years and $ 10,500,000. (0) more
06/11/15 - John Salmons signs with the Boston Celtics under the MLE for 5 years and $ 5,215,000. (0) more
06/11/14 - Keith Bogans signs with the Boston Celtics for 3 years and $ 2,510,000. (0) more
06/11/11 - The Cleveland Cavaliers match the offer sheet Jackie Butler signed with the Celtics. (0) more
06/11/10 - Jackie Butler signs with the Boston Celtics under the MLE for 3 years and $ 2,200,000. (0) more
06/11/01 - Draft pick Steve Novak signs with the Boston Celtics for $ 600000 and 1 year. (0) more
06/11/01 - The Boston Celtics sign draft-pick Andrea Bargnani for $ 4,501,200 and 2 years. (0) more
06/11/01 - Devean George re-signs with the Boston Celtics for $ 2000000 and 2 years. (0) more
06/10/31 - Al Harrington decides to opt for free-agency. (0) more
06/10/31 - Darrick Martin decides to opt for free-agency. (0) more

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