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Roster - LA Lakers

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Spectrum SportsNet Exclusive

Lakers @ Home
By Mike Trudell

I checked in with the Lakers players recently to try to get their opinion of the newly minted GM G1nsbergb3ats, but instead what I found were some guys that were irritated they were sitting at home.

"We should be there, man," said Terry Rozier when asked about the general manager. I indicate my confusion and he simply points at the television in the background playing the Thunder - Mavericks Game 3. "The playoffs. I should be there, man."

I simply nod my head, not sure how to answer. Of course, we all want to see basketball players succeed, but only the top two-thirds get to show up on the big stage with everyone watching. Of course it's frustrating, but I press him about the newest Laker in the front office, and more specifically about the trade rumors already swriling as a result.

"Yeah, it's whatever man," he says dismissively. "I don't really care. Here with the Lakers. Somewhere else. Wherever it is..." he points to the television in the background again. "I deserve to be there."

And that's the mantra of these Lakers player, to every man. They all think they deserve to be in the playoffs. G1n is going to have to sort through this mess to see who wants to do it here or who wants to do it in another uniform, and quickly. The tensions in the Staples Center are brimming every time the players enter the building.

"I was hurt this season," says James Wiseman on our Zoom call. "I can't do nothin' about that, but rest assured I'll come back stronger than ever." He's wearing a Giannis Antetokounmpo jersey, clearly pumped for the game coming on in about an hour. "Whatever it takes, I know the guys want to win. Whoever is on the roster next season, we just hope they have that same mentality."

With guys who want to win, you would think they'd be a bit more successful on the floor, but the chemistry just hasn't been there with this group. Can G1n get the right mix of players on the floor to start the 2021-22 season and sneak this team into the playoffs in a weak Western Conference, or will it just be more of the same?

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